Memorial Complex Imam al-Bukhari,

 Muhammad ibn Ismail ibn Ibrahim is a well-known scholar-theologian of the X century in the Muslim world, the author of the most authoritative collection of hadiths, was born in 810 in the city of Bukhara.

He has been collecting hadith throughout his life. According to tradition, when creating his collection of Sahih al-Bukhari, Muhammad ibn Ismail al-Bukhari interviewed over a thousand people, recorded over 600 thousand hadiths of Muhammad, which he knew by heart, of which he subsequently selected 7300 of the most reliable in his opinion.

The imam visited the main cities of the Islamic world, such as Mecca, Medina, Basra, Kufa, Baghdad, Cairo, Nishapur and others. In these cities he met with many Islamic theologians. He spent 40 years of his life on these trips before returning to Bukhara. He gathers thousands of like-minded people and disciples around him and, in the name of Allah, that is, for free, teaches them the hadiths.

Such famous scholars in the Muslim world as Imam Muslim, Imam Termezi and others were his students. Due to the refusal to go to the palace to teach the hadiths of the sons of the ruler of Bukhara (according to him, "Not knowledge should go to the students, but the student should go to the knowledge"), Imam Bukhari was forced to leave the city within two days. Having not managed to get to Samarkand, in the village of Hartang, where his relatives and students lived, after a disease he dies a week later. It happened in the year 870. In this village (now Chelek district of Samarkand region) is one of the revered holy places in the Muslim world. Since the 9th century, believers have been making pilgrimages here.


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